Consultancy Services
We have consolidated our consultancy role in the offshore renewable energy sector in the fields of economic modelling, financial feasibility analysis, Levelised Cost of energy (LCOE) modelling and analysis, offshore renewable technologies economic evaluation and development, and techno-economic feasibility studies. We also carry out energy systems planning and analyses, where the role of offshore renewable energies in a given energy system can be quantified.
We hold a long career in economic modelling assessment for several European and national technologies in the offshore renewable energy industry (wind power and wave energy). An accurate cost database, parametric model and uncertainty evaluation are key elements for a reliable financial and economic assessment. These are part of the advisory services we offer to the offshore fixed and floating wind energy sector, wave energy sector and other ocean energy developments.
We have experience working with the wave energy sector for more than 15 years, in close collaboration with technology developers, research institutes and academia. We provide overall understanding of the sector and the development of wave energy technologies (best-practices, failures and lessons-learned) and broad knowledge of past and present technologies. We also work with site selection and power performance assessments. Good knowledge of the European market players and excellent network.
Our first advisory services to the offshore wind industry date back to 2014, and since then we have worked together with leading players in Denmark. Indeed, consultancy services to the floating offshore wind energy sector started in 2019 (and expand to other countries than Denmark).
Combined wind and wave energy systems and the technical and economic benefits they can bring to a given energy system, is also a hot topic nowadays in which we have strong expertise.
Project Proposals Evaluation and Writing
Since 2010 we have been largely involved in the preparation, writing and evaluation of national and European project proposals.
We have successfully assisted our clients to apply for Danish funding within PSO-ForskEL, PSO-ForskEV and EUDP programmes, and in the Horizon2020 Call, within the SME-Phase2 Programme, and the LCE-RES-32 Call.
Our expertise includes:
- Advice on partners.
- Advice on granting opportunities (Danish and EU level) and funding assistance.
- Writing and reviewing of project applications.
- Project management.
Provided there is no conflict of interest, we also assist different energy authorities in the (techno-economic) evaluation of projects and of project proposals.
For this purpose we collaborate with the Swedish Energy Agency, with the European Commission within the Horizon2020 Programme and as Vice-Chair of FET-OPEN Calls, and with AENOR (Spanish Agency on Normalisation and Certification).
Lectures and Training
We have large experience in providing lectures, training and seminars to the industry and academia (High School, Bachelor, Master and PhD levels)
We offer courses and lectures in the field of:
- Wave energy and Tidal energy
- Onshore and Offshore wind energy
- Offshore fixed and floating wind energy
- Combined Wind and Wave
The courses cover the following topics:
- Wave and tidal theory
- State of the art of the wave and tidal energy sector
- Wave and tidal energy: from an idea to a commercial reality
- Public acceptability of wave energy projects: experiences in the US and Europe
- Resource assessment, Measurement techniques and Site selection
- Offshore Technologies: wave, tidal, and floating and fixed offshore wind
- Wave energy: Power take-off systems
- Electrical power output and grid connection
- Performance evaluation
- Power production of wave energy converters: scatter diagrams and power matrices
- Economics of offshore renewables
- Economic modelling: the LCOE and economic assessment
- Hybrid systems: combined wave and wind
- Hybrid systems: Combined wave and wind energy – technical and economic analysis
- International experiences in wave energy: State of the art of wave energy in Spain, lessons-learned and best practices from Denmark, the development of wave energy in Ireland and the future of wave energy in the UK
Lectures are organized with an industrial and academic perspective; and are available both in Spanish and English.
As a side event for the course we wave the possibility to organise site visits to wave and wind energy sites in Copenhagen (for further information please visit the site Tours to Middelgrunden Offshore Wind Energy Farm), as well as Energy Games (please visit the site Energy Games and Workshops).