Here you can find past and present press releases about Julia Fernández Chozas
Blue Generation Interview” (en español / in Spanish) as part of the project “BlueFocus”. Interview scope: job opportunities for young people in the marine energy sector. Interviewed by Sea Tech S.L. on September 2023. Available at:
May 2015. Julia has been interviewed by María Vaz within the Twenergy project (an initiative of Endesa for efficiency and sustainability): “Dinamarca apuesta por la energía undimotriz” (available in Spanish)
“Desde la antigüedad, el ser humano ha observado a las olas del mar con mucha atención, curiosidad y hasta incluso temor. Por suerte, hoy también las podemos contemplar como una enorme fuente de energía limpia, sostenible y duradera…”
February 2015. Interview by Dave Smith to Julia published in The Copenhagen Post: “Making waves and aiming high with a little help form her friends” Here you can find the pdf version of the interview.
“Currently riding the crest of a wave in the area of ocean energy consultancy is Julia Chozas (, a Spanish specialist in the field who founded her own company in 2013: Julia F Chozas, Consulting Engineer (JFCCE)…”
2014. Article published in the Annual Brochure of ADANAE (the alumni association of the school Estudio): “Copenhague y la energía de las olas” (available in Spanish)
“Llegué a Escandinavia hace casi ocho años, y a Copenhague hace cinco, para sumergirme en el mundo de la energía undimotriz o energía de las olas. Como referente europeo e internacional de ciudad verde, renovable y sostenible, Copenhague (y Dinamarca) me ha brindado unas oportunidades bárbaras en el campo de las energías marinas…”
July 2013. Press release on the final results of the PhD in a Danish local newspaper NORDJYSKE Stiftstidende: “PH.D.-GRAD” (available in Danish)
“FORSKNING: Julia Fernández Chozas er blevet tildelt ph.d.-graden ved Det Teknisk-Naturvidenskabelige Fakultet på Aalborg Universitet…”
October 2012. Interview by Isabel Macías Núñez on Julia’s book published in her blog ( “Sobre la energía de las olas” (available in Spanish)
“En julio de 2010 Julia Fernández Chozas publicó el libro titulado Energía Undimotriz: Una aproximación al aprovechamiento de la energía de las olas para la generación de electricidad” (ISBN: 978-3-659-02998-1). Con motivo de la publicación de este libro surge la siguiente entrevista…”
2012. Interview to Julia published in the Annual Brochure of the Dept. of Civil Engineering Aalborg University: “Meet an Industrial PhD student” (pages 14 and 15)
“Julia is one of the Industrial PhD students connected to our department. In 2009, she started working at Spok ApS, a marine renewable energy consultancy firm, where she is connected to the Wavetrain2 project, funded by the Marie-Curie FP7 programme of the European Commission…”
October 2011.
Interview by Judith Martínez about extraordinary young people published in Magazine (the weekly magazine of the Spanish newspaper La Vanguardia): “Me sorprende que aún no se haya aprovechado la energía de las olas” (available in Spanish)
“Le gusta surfear las olas y citar al autor de Energy from the Waves, David Ross, que afirmó que “la energía de las olas no fue diseñada para ahorrar dinero, sino para salvar el mundo”. Julia Fernández está convencida del “inmenso potencial, aún sin explotar, de la energía undimotriz (la producida por el movimiento de las olas)”…”
2010. Article published on the Newsletter of Waveplam website: “Public Perception of Wave Energy”
“Ocean energy is one of the largest renewable resources available on the planet. It includes different conversion principles, wave energy being one of them. Currently, the enormous wave energy potential has barely been harnessed, but activities involving wave energy projects are increasing…”