Julia Fernández Chozas Google Scholar page.
J. Fernandez-Chozas and Emiel Schut, ““Baseline Lifecycle Impacts Dataset”, ZENODO repository, Dataset, SHY project, 2024.
J. Fernandez-Chozas and Emiel Schut, “Baseline Lifecycle Impacts”, Deliverable 6.1 of the SHY project, 2024.
J. Fernandez-Chozas, Pablo Ruiz Minguela (TECNALIA), Pär Johannesson (RISE), Patxi Etxaniz (IDOM), Emiel Schut and Steen Grønkjær Thomsen (Wavepiston), Guillaume Unique, Antoine Bonel and Ross Harnden (CorPower), and Joao Cruz (Y4C) ““Cost-effect Statistical Reliability Analysis of Components and Systems in the User Cases”, Deliverable 6.4 of the VALID project (Verification through Accelerated testing Leading to Improved wave energy Designs), EU PROJECT NO: 101006927, 2024.
Ciravanga, E., van Hoof, L., Frier, C., Maes, F., Rasmus-sen, H.B., Soete, A., Van den Burg, S.; Ivana Lukic, Julia Fernandes Chozas, Eva Strothotte, Tim Staufen-berger, Annelis Declerck, Nancy Nevejan, Zinzi Reimert, Hanna Barbara Rasmussen, Evangelia Lamprakopoulou, “Manuscript of Synthesis of Risk Governance”, Deliverable 6.4 of the UNITED Project.
J. Fernandez-Chozas, P. Etxaniz, P. Ruiz-Minguela, P. Johannesson and J. Cruz “Reliability and Cost Assessment of Critical Components in Wave Energy Systems”, Pre-print to proceedings of the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Bilbao, EWTEC2023.
Paula Bastos (WavEC); Pedro Almeida Vinagre (WavEC), Fiona Devoy-McAuliffe (UCC), Julia Fernández Chozas (JCC), Abel Arredondo-Galeana (UK), Paul Lamont-Kane, “Life Cycle Assessment of a wave energy device, LiftWEC”. to Proceedings of the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference. Bilbao, EWTEC2023.
K. Nielsen, J. Fernandez-Chozas, F. Ferri and R. Pascal, “LCOE of Final Configuration”. Deliverable 8.6 of the LiftWEC Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Agreement number 851885.
K. Nielsen, J. Fernandez-Chozas, R. Pascal, F. Ferri, , “Optimised device parameters”. Deliverable D8.5 of the LiftWEC project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Agreement number 851885.
Paula Bastos (WavEC); Pedro Almeida Vinagre (WavEC), Fiona Devoy-McAuliffe (UCC), Julia Fernández Chozas (JCC), Abel Arredondo-Galeana (UK), Paul Lamont-Kane (QUB)“Life Cycle Assessment of the LiftWEC Design”. Deliverable D9.4 of the LiftWEC project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme. Agreement number 851885.
Hans Chr. Sørensen and Julia Fernandez Chozas “Danish Pilot. Manual for Guides”. Deliverable 7.4 of the UNITED Project.
E. Lamprakopoulou, J. Fernandez-Chozas, H.C. Sørensen, E. Huijben, T. Staufenberger, E. Strothotte, Z. Reimert, R. Hoekstra, Annelies Declercq “Technical report on design procedure limitations and improvements”, Deliverable 2.6 of the UNITED Project.
Frank Maes, Anemoon Soete, Jivan Dasgupta, Hendrik Schoukens, Marijn Rabaut; Julia Fernandes Chozas, Annelis Declerck, Christian Frier, Evangelia Lamprakopoulou, Ivana Lukic, Nancy Nevejan, Hanna Barbara Rasmussen, Zinzi Reimert, Eva Strothotte, Tim Staufenberger, Luc van Hoof. “Case specific report on legal aspects and insurance issues”. Deliverable 6.2 of the UNITED Project.
Araujo, A.; Lago, M.; Stelljes, N.; Seeger, I.; Kögel, N. S.; (Ecologic); Zaiter, Y.; Van Duinen, R. (ACTeon); Barlow., J, (WUR); Alex Ziemba (Deltares); Nevejan, N.; Declercq, A.; Kerkhove, T. Van Gerven, A. (RBINS); Pilgrim, L. (Colruyt Group); Vandercam-mem, D.; Pinto da Silva, E. (ParkWind); Sorensen, H; Fernandez-Chozas J.; Strothotte, E.; Pforth, J.; Staufen-berger, T. (Kieler Meeresfarm); Triest, J. (4H Jena); Evangelia Lamprakopoulou (WINGS) and Caterina Callitsis (BluePlanet); Brouwers, E. “Assessment on the added value of Marine multi-use within UNITED pilots”. Deliverable 3.3 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
Lukic I., Berge M., Strothotte E., Staufenberger T., Søerensen H C., Fernandez Chozas J., Declercq A, Quaghebeur K., Van Gerven A., Ziemba A. : “STAKEHOLDER INTERACTIONS AND ENGAGEMENT IN PILOTS”. Deliverable 5.2 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
J. Fernandez-Chozas, K. Nielsen and R. Pascal, “Implementation of the LiftWEC LCOE Calculation Tool to four Baseline LiftWEC Configurations”. Presented at OEE – ICOE2022, San Sebastian.
J. Fernandez-Chozas, E. Friis-Madsen, K. Nielsen, H.C. Soerensen, J.P. Kofoed, L. Margheritini, M. Henriksen, “Opportunity of wave energy as part of the coming Danish Energy Islands”. Presented at OEE – ICOE2022, San Sebastian.
P. Lamont-Kane, M. Folley, R. Pascal, J. Fernandez-Chozas, and K. Nielsen, “Deliverable 2.10 – Assessment of Baseline Configurations and Specification of Final Configuration,” Belfast, United Kingdom, 2022.
Fernandez-Chozas, K. Nielsen and R. Pascal. LCOE Estimates of Baseline Configurations. Deliverable 8.4 of the LiftWEC Project.
Fernandez-Chozas, K. Nielsen and R. Pascal. LiftWEC LCOE Calculation Tool (pdf and Excel model). Deliverable 8.3 of the LiftWEC Project.
Tim Staufenberger, Eva Strothotte, Julian Pforth, Annelies De-clercq, Annaïk van Gerven, Zinzi Reimert, Julia Fernandez Chozas, Hans Christian Soerensen, Evaggelia Elabrakopoulou, Rieke Santjer, ”Communication Joint production, monitoring, operation and maintenance protocol”, Deliverable 7.4 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
Jon Barlow, Trond Selnes, Elisa Ciravegna, Sander van den, Burg, Eva Strothotte, Tim Staufenberger, Zinzi Reimert, Hans Soerensen, Julia Fernandez Chozas, Annelies Declercq, Evangelia Lamprakopoulou,”Case specific report on risk management aspects within the confines of legal and insurance aspects”, Deliverable 6.3 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
Zaiter, Y.; Van Duinen, R. (ACTeon); Lago, M.; Stelljes, N.; Seeger, I.; McDonald, H.; Araujo, A. (Ecologic); Chouchane, H., Van Den Burg, S. (WUR); Ziemba, A.; Dekorte, E. (Deltares); Nevejan, N.; Declercq, A.; Kerkhove, T. (RBINS); Pilgrim, L. (Colruyt Group); Vandercammem, D.; Pinto da Silva, E. (ParkWind); Sorensen, H; Fernandez-Chozas J. (Pilot lead); Strothotte, E.; Pforth, J.; Staufenberger, T. (Kieler Meeresfarm); Triest, J. (4H Jena) ; Ioanna Drigkopoulou (WINGS) and Caterina Callitsis (Blue-Planet) ; Brouwers, E (pilot lead) – “Business Analysis of UNITED PILOTS”, Deliverable 1.3 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
Eva Strothotte, Julian Pforth, Tim Staufenberger, Eef Brouwers, Julia Fernandez Chozas, Evangelia Lamprakopou-lou, Hans Christian Sørensen, Nancy Nevejan, Annelies M De-clercq “Report on Optimization of Scheduling, Operations, and Maintenance”. Deliverable 2.4 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
“A Proposed Guidance for the Economic Assessment of Wave Energy Converters at Early Development Stages”.Recommended citation: Têtu, A.; Fernandez Chozas, J. A Proposed Guidance for the Economic Assessment of Wave Energy Converters at Early Development Stages. Energies 2021, 14, 4699. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14154699.
“EWTEC2021. Fernandez-Chozas-2021 et.al. Parametric cost model of the LiftWEC concept.Pre-print”
“Deliverable 8.2 of the LiftWEC Project. Parametric Cost Model”
ZENODO Dataset “Database of costs for wave energy projects”
Ariel Araujo, Manuel Lago, Hugh McDonald, Lina Röschel, Nico Stelljes (ECOLOGIC), Rianne Van Duinen and Youssef Zaiter (AC-Teon); Alexander Ziemba and Elias de Korte (DELTARES), Thomas Kerkhove (RBINS), Annelies Declercq (UGENT), Julia Fernandez Chozas (SPOK), Eva Strothotte (FuE), Ioanna Drigopoulou (Wings), Sander van den Burg (WMR), Ivana Lukic and Angela Schultz-Zehden (SUB-MARINER) “Assessment Framework to Determine the Economic Feasibility of Multi-use Platforms”Deliverable 3.2 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
A. Têtu and J. Fernandez-Chozas, “Cost Database of Wave Energy Technologies”, Deliverable 8.1. – the LiftWEC project.
P. Vinagre, M. Apolonia and J. Fernandez-Chozas,D9.1 Identification of Potential Technology Stressors & Environmental Receptors.Deliverable 9.1. of the LiftWEC project.
WINGS – Ioanna Drigkopoulou; Panagiotis Vlacheas; Par-askevas Bourgos; Giannis Tzanetis; Evaggelia Tzifa; Vasilis Laskaridis; Manolis Trougkou; Aikaterini Demesticha; SPOK – Julia Fernandez-Chozas; H.C. Sørensen; SUBMARINER – Ivana Lukik; FUE – Maria Jaeger; Eva Strothotte; ACTEON Manon Berge; Olga Mashkina; UGENT- Annelies Declercq; WUR – Marvin Kunz; Sander Van Den Burg, ““Report on the State of the art implementation of an integrated pilot approach”. Deliverable 1.2 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
Van Duinen, R.; Stelljes, N.; Araujo, A.; Lago , M; Schulz-Zehden, A; Jaeger, M.; Strothotte, E.; Van den Burg, S.; Strosser, P.;Fernandez-Chozas, J.; Sorensen, H. C.; De-clerq, A.; Kerkhove, T.; De Korte, E.; Santjer, R.; Ziemba, A.; El Serafy, G.; Drigkopoulou, I. ““Current economic assessment and status of pilots”, Deliverable 3.1 of the UNITED Project (multi-Use platforms and co-locatioN pilots boostIng cost-effecTive, and Eco-friendly and sustainable proDuction in marine environments).
Jose Luis Villate, Pablo Ruiz-Minguela and Joseba Lopez-Mendia (Tecnalia), David Crocks and Shona Pennock (UEDIN), Kim Nielsen (Ramboll), Alex Raventos (INN2grid), Julia F. Chozas Consulting Engineer, Robert Thresher, David Greene, Dale Jenne and Al LiVecchi (NREL), Shelley MacDougall (ACADIA tidal institute).“ Cost of Ocean Energy: Energy cost analysis and forecasts for ocean energy converters. International levelized cost of energy for ocean energy technologies”, Commissioned by Ocean Energy Systems.
E. Friis-Madsen, H.C. Soerensen, I. Russell, S. Parmeggiani, J. Fernández-Chozas, “Economics of Offshore Wave Energy. Can It Match Offshore Wind”, ISOPE
Mathiesen, B. V., Drysdale, D., Fernandez -Chozas, J., Ridjan, I., Connolly, D., & Lund, H. (2015). “A Review of Smart Energy Projects & Smart Energy State-of-the-Art”, Department of Development and Planning, Aalborg University.
Capacity Credit and Security of Supply: The Case of Renewable Energies in Denmark
J. Fernandez Chozas, J. P. Kofoed and N.H. Jensen. “COE Calculation Tool for Wave Energy Converters”. version 1.6- April 2014. User guide in pdf, Excel model and quick-user guide available.
C. Pérez-Collazo, M. M. Jakobsen, H. Buckland and J. Fernández-Chozas, “Synergies for a wave-wind energy concept”, European Wind Energy Conference EWEA 2013, Frankfurt, Germany. Link to article and link to conference presentation.
J. Fernandez-Chozas, N. E. Helstrup Jensen, H. C. Sørensen, J. P. Kofoed and A. Kabuth,“Predictability of the power output of three wave energy technologies in the Danish North Sea”, International Journal of Marine Energy, Vol. 1 (2013) 84-98.
An Open-Access COE Calculation tool for Wave Energy Converters: The Danish approach.
Combined Production Of A Full-Scale Wave Converter And A Full-Scale Wind Turbine: a real case study
Economic Benefit of Combining Wave and Wind Power Productions in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets
Introduction Of Wavestar Wave Energy Converters At The Danish Offshore Wind Power Plant Horns Rev 2
Performance Assessment of the Wave Dragon Wave Energy Converter Based on the EquiMar Methodology
Predictability of the power output of three wave energy technologies in the Danish North Sea
In 2010, INORE and OES granted a cross-Atlantic collaborative project between Maria Stefanovich (Ph.D. at Oregon University) and Julia F. Chozas (Spok ApS, Denmark). The project investigated best-practices found in dealing with public acceptability of wave energy projects. Results were presented with two conference papers, a Poster and an Oral session at ICOE 2010, Bilbao (the International Conference on Ocean Energy).
“Toward Best Practices for Public Acceptability in Wave Energy: Whom, How and When to Address” (pdf)
Power Systems Engineering degree, Master Thesis (in Spanish):“Energía Undimotriz: Una aproximación al aprovechamiento de la energía de las olas para la generación de electricidad”.